Lipodrene Review: Original Thermogenic Fat Burner

Lipodrene Review: Original Thermogenic Fat Burner

What Is Lipodrene With Ephedra| How Does It Work| Is Lipodrene Banned| Lipodrene Ingredients| What Are The Benefits| Lipodrene Reviews| Alternatives To Lipodrene| Side Effects And Warnings| Disclaimer

If you’ve been a player in the bodybuilding game for a while, you’ve probably heard of Lipodrene with Ephedra, aka The Original Thermogenic Fat Burner. But, as you can imagine, what it was then isn’t the same now. That’s why we’re here to let you in on all the changes, the current status of Lipodrene, the reviews, and more!

What is Lipodrene?
Lipodrene with ephedra, by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals, is a thermogenic weight loss product. But that’s not all Lipodrene has to offer! It contains a 3-way fat burning system that is aimed to help you:

Burn calories and fat†
Help control sugar cravings†
Suppress appetite†

More than 15 years after it’s introduction, there have been over a billion tablets of Lipodrene sold. But, if you’ve tried Lipodrene in the past (prior to 2018), you may notice some changes. For more information on what’s different check out our blog on the Old Version vs The New.

How Does It Work?
Before we get into the ingredient breakdown, lets go over what Lipodrene is meant to do. As we previously mentioned it’s a thermogenic.

A thermogenic supplement is something (containing natural ingredients) formulated with the purpose of increasing your metabolism. This is done by helping your body burn more calories. When your body is burning calories, it generates more heat (1).

This process can help increase weight loss by increasing the efficiency that your body burns these calories (energy expenditure) through your metabolism. In which, increasing your metabolism ultimately means that your body will use the calories from the food you eat for energy instead of storing them as fat.

Also as we mentioned previously, Lipodrene has been a popular fat burner for years. So why isn’t it available (as of October 2021)?

Is Lipodrene Banned?
No! Lipodrene is not banned though we can’t say whether or not the ingredients in Lipodrene may cause issues for specific professions or customs/importation. For more information on this, we recommend contacting your employer or customs office.

Although Lipodrene with Ephedra isn’t banned, it has had it’s issues. Years ago (like prior to 2016), Lipodrene and many other fat burners contained a stimulant called DMAA, which has since not been allowed in dietary supplements in the US from the FDA. Lipodrene was then reformulated to contain DMHA, a DMAA-like stimulant. This ingredient also had it’s run-in with the FDA, but so far has held its ground as a dietary supplement.

Fast forward to now (2021), Lipodrene has had a rocky year. Early on in April, one batch of Lipodrene had a lighter shade of yellow than users know it to have. Luckily, we were assured by the VP at Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals that the color variation had no effect on the batch’s efficacy. Unfortunately, this was followed by the importation delays we are still experiencing with production. This means that while Lipodrene will still be available for purchase, it is still pending arrival of all the ingredients and for those ingredients to pass quality checks.

This delay in production has effected several fat burners, including:

Lipodrene Elite, Hardcore, & Xtreme
Black Mamba

With all that said, let’s dive into these ingredients!

The Breakdown:
Like most fat burners, Lipodrene contains a proprietary blend. This means that instead of being given the milligrams of each ingredient in the blend, they disclose the total amount of milligrams for the blend.

In total, Lipodrene contains 660 mg* of active ingredients. Where caffeine content takes 100 mgs and the proprietary blend is the other 560 mgs.

This is a stimulant that interacts with your central nervous system or your CNS. This will help you feel more alert and give you a boost of energy. Caffeine is a good base stimulant that sets the foundation for the more exotic stimulants.

Including caffeine in a fat burner can also positively influence your metabolism (2). This can result in experiencing some appetite suppression in addition to energy.†

The Proprietary Blend
The proprietary blend contains the bulk of ingredients. To help organize the label, we’ll break the ingredients into different categorizes. However it is important to note that ingredients have multiple purposes. So just because we sectioned an ingredient as an appetite suppressant, doesn’t mean it doesn’t serve as a stimulant (or another purpose) as well.

With any stimulant, including caffeine, there will be some degree of appetite suppression, thermogenesis, and focus properties. Yet, it is not always experienced for every individual. This is just because we are all different, and our bodies will react to products differently.

Altogether, Lipodrene’s Prop Blend contains:

Ephedra Extract
2-Aminoisoheptane HCl (DMHA)
Synephrine HCl
Green Tea Extract
Citrus Aurantium Extract
Hoodia Extract
Cassia Nomame Extract
6,7 Dihydroxybergamotin
5-Methoxytryptamine HCl
Yohimbine HCl

Heavy Stimulants
A popular stimulant many years ago (prior to ~2002) was ephedrine. This herb promoted weight loss by means of increasing your metabolism. But this ingredient is no longer available in dietary supplements. Now supplements contain the alkaloid ephedra. Despite not being the exact same compound, ephedra exerts very similar effects. Including the effects on weight loss (3).

To read more on what separates ephedra from ephedrine click here. Ephedra is most notably recognized for it’s effects on increasing energy and suppressing appetite.

The next heavy stimulant in the label is 2-Aminoispheptane, which promotes energy, thermogenesis, focus and even some mood boosting properties. (4)

Following the phenylethylamine alkaloids, is synephrine HCl. Synephrine HCl is an ingredient similar to ephedrine. This stimulant is also a strong appetite suppressant. Synephrine works by acting like natural adrenaline when ingested. This helps increase metabolism and boost energy without increasing blood pressure(5). Citrus Aurantium Extract is actually rich in p-synephrine, an alkaloid with similar effects to Synephrine HCl. (6)

Other Stimulants
The following ingredients contain stimulate properties but are not as strong as the ones above. This of course is subjective, but we find (from customer feedback and data on scientific studies) that these ingredients are not as stimulating.

Our first ingredient in this category is theobromine. Theobromine, like caffeine, is a naturally occurring compound found in cacao plants and tea leaves. Since it is a stimulant, it provides energy and may help shed water weight. Like other stimulants, theobromine also has appetite suppressing properties (7).

Another stimulant found in tea leaves is Green tea extract. Green tea is rich in polyphenol catechins and caffeine. The combination of these compounds may increase weight loss, though there is still more research needed to be certain(8).

Our last stimulant is also the last ingredient on the label, Yohimbine HCl. This ingredient is usually a hit or miss for people. Some people love it and take it on it’s own and some try to stay away from it. However no matter where you stand on yohimbine one thing is clear, it is effective.

Yohimbine is a mild stimulant and can help suppress appetite, but there’s more to its fat-burning properties. The main way that yohimbe works in the body is through blocking alpha-2 adrenergic receptors located in fat cells. Once yohimbine has bound with a fat cell, it “turns off” the alpha receptor, which allows the fat cells to mobilize and burn off(9,10).

Appetite Suppression
Now that we have gone though the stimulants in Lipodrene with ephedra, lets go over the other ingredients that set it apart.

As previously mentioned all stimulants in this formula will have appetite suppressing properties, but not all appetite suppressing ingredients are a stimulant. In Lipodrene with ephedra this non-stim ingredient is Hoodia Extract.

Hoodia extract is from the hoodia gordoni plant that grows in the Kalahari Desert of southern Africa. Although hoodia extract is a popular appetite suppressant, more scientific data will be needed to conclude its effects(11).

Mood Boosting
A prominent feature in fat burners is the addition of mood boosting ingredients. These ingredients generally provide a feeling of euphoria and can also aid in focus.†

In Lipodrene’s case this includes 5-Methoxytryptamine HCl and L-5-Hydroxytryptophan or 5-MT and 5-HTP. Both 5-MT and 5-HTP affect the neurotransmitter serotonin (12,13); which plays an important role in our  overall well-being and happiness.

5-HTP is a precursor to serotonin, meaning once consumed, a chemical reaction occurs to naturally produce serotonin. So why not just take serotonin?

Serotonin is too large of a molecule to pass through the Blood-Brain Barrier. Precursors, however, are much smaller and therefore can pass though the Blood-Brain Barrier.

5-MT however is a precursor to melatonin. Why include a sleep aid in a fat burner? In addition to its role in sleep, melatonin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

It’s also involved with regulating blood pressure, immune function, and body temperature. Serotonin also acts a precursor to melatonin, within the pineal gland, serotonin is acetylated and then methylated to yield melatonin(14).

So what does this mean?

The combination of 5-MT and 5-HTP may briefly(15) increase your serotonin levels and then yield to melatonin. However it is unlikely a user will experience the calming effects of melatonin due to the stimulant in Lipodrene with ephedra.

What’s Left:
If you’ve been following along in the label, you may have noticed we skipped a couple of ingredients. These include Cassia Nomame, Naringin , and 6,7 dihydroxybergamottin.

Cassia nomame may prevent the stomach and intestines from absorbing dietary fat. This causes dietary fat to be excreted, which might promote weight loss in some people(16).

Naringin helps burn fat by stimulating the production of a crucial fat burning hormone, adiponectin(17). When combined with synephrine, naringin may even increase energy expenditure(18). Like naringin,  6,7 dihydroxybergamottin also comes from grapefruit. Therefore may also help with weight control through similar mechanisms(19).

How to take Lipodrene?
Lipodrene with Ephedra’s instructions state to take 1-2 tablets in the morning and 1 tablet after lunch. They also warn to not exceed 4 tablets daily.

Who Should Try Lipodrene with Ephedra?
Lipodrene with ephedra may look intimidating from the amount of ingredients on the label; however, it’s actually a great fat burner for first time users and those with a higher tolerance to stimulants. With all supplements you should assess your tolerance, and with Lipodrene that is very easy to do. With a max of 4 tablets daily, you can play around with the dose timing for what works best with you.

What Are The Benefits?
Like most fat burners, Lipodrene is stimulant dominant. So we expect the boost in energy and appetite suppression to be the most prominent effects of Lipodrene. But as always user experiences vary.

So with that, let’s checkout some reviews!

Lipodrene Reviews

9/18/21 “I have been taking Lipodrene for a long time and it had been my favorite fat burner! I highly recommend it!!”

8/17/21 “First of all, this is back ordered on almost every online store, AND the ones that do have it, have DOUBLED the price!! Not only was the price exactly what it usually is, shipping was super fast!! I have definitely found my new site for supplements!!”

7/16/21 “This is my favorite fat burner. I have been using Lipodrene for several months now and have lost over 10kg. I don’t get jitters or nausea like with other high-stim fat burners, just long-lasting energy. And it really helped with curbing cravings (guilty of late-night snacking previously). Overall a great weight loss support!”

Lipodrene Alternatives
Unfortunately, right now Lipodrene with Ephedra is only available as a pre-order. However, there are other fat burners that are similar you may be interested in trying!

Looking for another consistent thermogenic? Checkout ECA Xtreme or Lean EFX

Want to read how Lipodrene with Ephedra compares to other popular fat burners? Checkout our other blogs below!

Hydroxyelite VS Lipodrene
Hellfire VS Lipodrene
Stimerex ES VS Lipodrene

If you’re not sure if Lipodrene with ephedra is right for you, there are a ton of Lipodrene versions you can checkout. Review our blog comparing them for more information on what’s different!

Like Lipodrene but want more natural fat burning aid? Check out the Lipodrene Weight Loss Stack
Not enough energy from Lipodrene? Check out Lipodrene Hardcore with Ephedra
Hardcore wasn’t hard enough? Check out Lipodrene Xtreme V2

This concludes our blog reviewing Lipodrene with Ephedra! Thank you for reading and if you have any questions or if there’s another product you’d like us to review, send us an email HERE!

Side Effects and Warnings:
Read the entire label before taking this product. Not for use by individuals under the age of 18 years. Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing. Individuals who consume caffeine with this product may experience serious adverse health effects. People who are sensitive to caffeine should consult a doctor before using. Do not consume synephrine or caffeine from other sources, including but not limited to:

other dietary products
Medications containing caffeine or phenylephrine

Consult with your physician before use if you are taking medication, including but not limited to:

MAOI inhibitors
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Products containing phenylephrine, ephedrine, pseudo-ephedrine, or other stimulants

Consult your physician before use if you have a medical condition, including but not limited to:

Heart, liver, kidney, or thyroid disease
Psychiatric or epileptic disorders
Difficulty urinating
High blood pressure
Cardiac arrhythmia
Recurrent headaches
Enlarged prostate

Stop 2 weeks before surgery or if you experience:

Rapid heart beat
Severe headache
Shortness of breath

In case of accidental overdose, seek professional assistance or contact a poison control center immediately. Exceeding recommended serving may cause serious adverse health effects, including heart attack and stroke. Improper use of this product may be hazardous to a person’s health.

This product should not be used in place of or as a substitute for recommendations by your healthcare professional. No clinical study has been performed on Lipodrene®.

These statements are based upon the active ingredients:

Senegalia Berlandieri
Citrus aurantium
Green tea

This product can raise your blood pressure and interfere with other drugs you may be taking. Talk to your doctor about this product.

This product contains ingredients that may be banned by some sports organizations and/or increase risk of false positive on a drug test. Please consult with your sport organization or physician before taking this product.

Please Note
†The intention of the information provided is for reference only and we are in no way providing medical advice or instruction. The information provided in this post is based on anecdotal information and available studies/reviews. While it is our goal to maintain and display accurate information, we can’t guarantee it represents the latest formulation of the product or information. Therefore, if you have any concerns, please visit the manufacturer’s website. Also, the information above is not a representation of our views at Same Day Supplements. Rather, these are the views and information provided by manufacturers and users. Also, the Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. Finally, the intention of these products is not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness.

The post Lipodrene Review: Original Thermogenic Fat Burner appeared first on Supplement Reviews Blog.